SC Questions 2

投稿日時:2003年07月05日 12時30分38秒


1.Rembrandt so treasured his collection of Islamic portraits that when forced to sell them in order to raise money, <<< he first made copies of more than tewnty >>>.

A. he first made copies of more than tewnty
B. first he made copies of more than tewnty
C. more than twenty were copied
D. copies of more than twenty were made
E. he copies more than tewnty of them first

2. The use of chemical pesticides in this country is <<< equally extensive or more so than ten years ago >>>.

A. equally extensive or more so than ten years ago
B. equal to or more extensive than ten years ago
C. as extensive as ten years ago or more
D. equal to, if not more, than ten years ago
E. as extensive as it was ten years ago, if not more so


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