Re:CR過去問より try to do or try doing

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In Reply to: CR過去問より try to do or try doing
投稿者:zr - 投稿日時:2003年01月06日 04時17分10秒

paper is the single component of municipal trash...

(b) Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component in municipal trash, many municipalities tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal is reduced.
--component "in"が×。

(c) Because paper of all kinds are the biggest single components in municipal trash, many municipalities have tried to recycle to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
--paper of all kinds "are"が×。

(d) All kinds of paper are the biggest single components of municipal trash, and so many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
--and so manyだと、soがmanyにかかるように見えるので×。

(e) All kinds of paper is the biggest single component of municipal trash, so many municipalities have tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal could be reduced.



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