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In Reply to: SC:初めから意味を取るのは劣るやり方?
投稿者:例題使って考えてみましょう! - 投稿日時:2002年10月03日 01時06分44秒


To compare the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice

A) To compare the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

B) To compare the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

C) Comparing the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.

D) Comparing the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is like comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.

E) To compare the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare a fine wine's bouquet with ordinary grape juice's bouquet.


To do.... is to do.....
-ing .... is like -ing....

ADEを検討する − To compare, Comparing どちらで始まっているかにかかわらず is までは同じだ!
(To compare the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is ...

Comparing the lightning−fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is ...)

では、is 以下みてみる。ADE ともに compare A with B の用法は満たしているようだ。では compare A with B のAとBの同格の問題かな??と考える。(以下)

A)compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

D)comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.

E)compare a fine wine's bouquet with ordinary grape juice's bouquet.

上記ADEを比較する。Aはよさげだ、Dは同格にするためのthat ofがない、Eもよさげだけど exquisite がなくなっていて原文と比べると微妙に意味が違ってきてしまう・・



私の場合、全文の意味を取るのは最後の最後の手段です。この手の問題は意味を取りながらやっていくと どつぼ にはまってしまうのではないでしょうか?人それぞれの方法があると思いますが、意味を取りながら回答する方法では速読に自信がないとできないと思います。





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