中国問題CR 2問

投稿日時:2003年08月28日 07時42分23秒


1.Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the passage?

Every fusion reaction releases neutrinos. To test a hypothesis about the frequency of fusion reastions in the Sun, physicists calculated the number of neutrinos the Sun would produce annually if the hypothesis were correct. From this they estimated how many neutrinos should pass through a particular location on Earth. The fact that far fewer neutrinos were counted than were predicted to pass through the location would seem to prove that the hypothesis is wrong, except that ____.

D(正解). the method used to count neutrinos detects no more than approximately ten percent of the neutrinos that pass through


2.Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the argument below?

Each year every employee of SAI Corporation must enroll in one of the two health insurance plans offered by SAI. One plan requires a sizable monetary contribution from employees; the other plan is paid for entirely by SAI. Many SAI employees enroll in the plan requiring employee contributions. This fact does not show that they feel that this plan's benefits are superior to those provided by the plan requiring no employee contribution since ____.

B. only SAI employees who have worked for SAI for at least fifteen years are eligible to enroll in the plan paid for entirely by SAI.

E. both plans offered by SAI provide benefits not only for employees of SAI but aslo for children and spouses of enrolled employees.


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