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投稿者:かえけろ - 投稿日時:2002年12月14日 12時27分56秒

この問題、なぜ(d)が正解なのかわかりません。たぶん、英文をきちんとよみきれてないのだとおもうのですが・・・ どなたか、アドバイスいただけませんか?

A certain clock marks every hour by striking a number of times equal to the hour, and the time required for a stroke is exactly equal to the time interval between strokes. At 6:00 the time lapse between the beginning of the first stroke and the end of the last stroke is 22 seconds. At 12:00 how many seconds elapse between the beginning of the first stroke and the end of the last stroke?

(a) 72
(b) 50
(c) 48
(d) 46 <- correct
(e) 44



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