SC Question(6-16)新東方

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投稿者:ともっち - 投稿日時:2002年11月25日 05時53分14秒


<It was the coincidence of the geographics ranges of the sickle cell gene and malaria that> first drew attention to the possibility that sickle cell gene might confer resistance to the disease.

(A)It was the coincidence of the geographics ranges of the sickle cell gene and malaria that
(B)It was the geographics ranges of the sickle cell gene coinciding with malaria that
(C)The geographics ranges of the sickle cell gene coinciding with malaria was what
(D)The geographics ranges of the sickle cell gene and malaria coinciding was what



Re:SC Question(6-16)新東方

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