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In Reply to: SC過去問
投稿者:KM - 投稿日時:2002年11月21日 08時33分04秒

Some biographers <have not only disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also questioned whether he drank> at all.

(a) ditto.
(b) not only have disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also over whether he drank
(c) have disputed not only the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also whether he may not have drunk
(d) not only have disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also questioned whether or not he had drunk
(e) have disputed the common notion not only that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also questioned whether he may not have drunk

> この問題で、(a)と(c)までは形で絞れるのですが、不正解の(c)を落とせる理由がわかりません。どなたか理由をお分かりになる方、アドバイスいただけませんか?

TPR で、I do not think that he is right. と I think that he is not right. では、「前者の方が正しい」と習いました。すなわち、not は2個所におけるなら、なるべく前に置く方が良いらしいのです。この考えを応用すると、なるべくはやい内に、not がある (a) が正しいのではないでしょうか?



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