東方 SC SEC21−11

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投稿者:呂蒙 - 投稿日時:2002年10月16日 02時36分29秒

Some physichiatric studies indicate that among distinguished artists <the rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times as prevarent as in> the population at large.


B)the rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times more prevarent than in

C)the rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times more prevarent when compared to

D)manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times as prevarent when compared to

E)manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times as prevarent more prevarent than in

疑問2何故the ratesが主語ではいけないのでしょうか?



Re:東方 SC SEC21−11
Re:東方 SC SEC21−11

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