新東方 中国SC6-4

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投稿者:ともっち - 投稿日時:2002年10月09日 10時14分19秒


4 In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the cars' potential energy, <gained through their being lifted by a chain drive> through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.
(A) cars' potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive
(B) cars' potential energy, a gain achieved as they are lifted by a chain drive
(C) potential energy from the cars' being lifted by a chain drive
(D) potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them
(E) potential energy gained by the cars, being achieved while a chain drive lifts them

私の見識としては、(D)はgainedの前に(which is)が省略されている形だと思い、whichは直前の語、つまりthe carsを指すものと判断し、意味的におかしくなる気がして(D)を選びませんでした。この問題はどういうふうに考えるのでしょうか?


Re:新東方 中国SC6-4

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